Here's a list of my favorite projects. Some of them have their source code available on my GitHub Profile.


Co-Authors: Sahid Reyes.

Themes: Python, Twitter, Fun

Tools Used: TweetPy, Heroku

Papibot is a Twitter Bot, designed just for fun.


Co-Authors: Patricia Valencia, Cinthya Ramos.

Themes: Android, Augmented Reallity, Videogame.

Tools Used: Unity 5.x, Vuforia, Photoshop.

LAseRS is a small interactive game of Augmented Reality programmed in Unity 5.5.0 that makes use of the tool Vuforia.

Medicines in Twitter

Co-Authors: Nicolás Mañan, Joel Rivas.

Themes: Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network.

Tools Used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Tweepy, BirdWatcher and Twitter API.

Identifying Demand and Offer of Medicines in Twitter using a Neural Network.


Co-Authors: Prometheus and Morpheus Teams.

Themes: Web Development, Information Systems.

Tools Used: Python, Web2Py, PostgreSQL.

Sistema de Registro de Actividades de Extensión (SIRADEx) created as a project of the Information Systems elective for the USB Extension Deanery.

K-means Algotithm for Image Compression

Co-Authors: Nicolás Mañan, Joel Rivas.

Themes: Artificial Intelligence, Clustrering.

Tools Used: Python, PIL, Pandas, Numpy.

Implementation of K-means algorithm for image compression using k colors.


Co-Authors: Patricia Valencia, Cinthya Ramos.

Themes: Augmented Reallity, Videogame.

Tools Used: Unity 5.x, ARToolKit, Photoshop.

Augmented Reallity game to combine natural elements (water, earth, fire and air) and create new ones.

ANAR Memoria

Co-Authors: Edward Fernández.

Themes: Web Development, Videogame, Educational.

Tools Used: Angular 1.x, Node.js, Loopback.io, Sockets.io, CouchDB, PouchDB.

Educational memory game about rock paintings in Venezuela. Developed as community service for the Archivo Nacional de Arte Rupestre (ANAR).


Co-Authors: Daniel Leones.

Themes: Web Development, E-commerce.

Tools Used: WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP.

Closettine is a second hand clothing selling website, developed for a startup from Nov 2016 to Mar 2017.


Co-Authors: Aldrix Marfil.

Themes: Videogame, Game Jam.

Tools Used: Godot Game Engine, Photoshop, PAINT.net, Piskel.

FantasMotel is a simple videogame created in 48hrs for the Venezuela Duel Jam 2. Also, we won!


Co-Authors: Aldrix Marfil.

Themes: Videogame.

Tools Used: Godot Game Engine, Photoshop, PAINT.net, Piskel.

The first games I made using Godot Game Engine. Help Astro get to his spaceship!